Tokyo Game Show 2016 Guest Schedule

Hello everyone!
With Tokyo Game Show 2016 (September 15-18.) rapidly approaching, we’re happy to announce the final list of guest appearances at our booth. The full list of guests includes Yakiniku Banzai, Orange Juice, LIFE0, Tazigen Clock, Inu to Neko, Muzintou and Shiisanmei!


You can meet representatives of the circles at our booth, 7-N01 at the above times. Our star guest, Poppo, will also be giving signatures whenever she’s not out and about.


We also have some super limited badges from various games available at our booth, for those quick enough to visit us each day.

TGS Badges

Hope to see you there!

War of the Human Tanks – Limited Operations began!

War of the Human Tanks - Limited Operations (white stroke)Pick up your rifle and jump right in! The third and final part of the War of the Human Tanks trilogy is now available on Steam!

Limited Operations features over 50 missions with enough challenge for even veteran Command Tanks.

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The original soundtrack of Limited Operations, Sound of the Human – LO, is also available in the store, alongside War of the Human Tanks Complete Collection Steam Bundle which gives collectors an easy way to complete their trilogy.